Sunday, March 23, 2014

Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes

Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes

 "Life is too short to spend your precious time trying to convince a person who wants to live in gloom and doom otherwise. Give lifting that person your best shot, but don't hang around long enough for his or her bad attitude to pull you down. Instead, surround yourself with optimistic people."
Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :Zig Ziglar

"The measure of mental health is the disposition to find good everywhere."
Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Positive things happen to positive people."
Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :Sarah Beeny

"Think of yourself as on the threshold of unparalleled success. A whole, clear, glorious life lies before you. Achieve! Achieve!"
Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :Andrew Carnegie

Optimism is joyful searching; pessimism is a prison of fear and a clutching at illusionary safety.

Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :KATHLEEN A. BREHONY, After the Darkest Hour

Optimism is the madness of insisting that all is well when we are miserable.

Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :VOLTAIRE, Candide

Deep, solemn optimism, it seems to me, should spring from this firm belief in the presence of God in the individual; not a remote, unapproachable governor of the universe, but a God who is very near every one of us, who is present not only in earth, sea and sky, but also in every pure and noble impulse of our hearts.

Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :HELEN KELLER, Optimism

The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds; and the pessimist fears this is true.

Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :JAMES BRANCH CABELL, The Silver Stallion

Optimism refuses to believe that the road ends without options.

Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :ROBERT H. SCHULLER, Don't Throw Away Tomorrow

Optimism is the opium of the people.

Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :MILAN KUNDERA, The Joke

The basis of optimism is sheer terror.

Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :OSCAR WILDE, The Picture of Dorian Gray

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement; nothing can be done without hope.

Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :HELEN KELLER, Optimism

Optimism is cowardice.

Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :OSWALD SPENGLER, Man and Technics

It's not that optimism solves all of life's problems; it is just that it can sometimes make the difference between coping and collapsing.

Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :LUCY MACDONALD, Learn to Be an Optimist

Optimism is not only a false but also a pernicious doctrine, for it presents life as a desirable state and man's happiness as its aim and object. Starting from this, everyone then believes he has the most legitimate claim to happiness and enjoyment. If, as usually happens, these do not fall to his lot, he believes that he suffers an injustice, in fact that he misses the whole point of his existence.

Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :ARTHUR SCHOPENHAUER, The World As Will and Representation

Optimism is wide-open in contrast to pessimism's closed heart.

Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :KATHLEEN A. BREHONY, After the Darkest Hour

Optimism works in conjunction with your life energy, strengthening your roots and keeping you grounded, stimulating the growth of new shoots and the development of new branches that form your life, energizing the creation that is you.

Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :DANA LIGHTMAN, Power Optimism

Optimism and pessimism are mere matters of optics, of how you look at things, and that can change from day to day, or with a new prescription for your glasses -- or with a new set of ideological filters.

Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :GEORGE WEIGEL, Letters to a Young Catholic

Optimism. It's not just a mind-set, it is behavior.

Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :LARRY ELDER, The Ten Things You Can't Say in America

There is abundant reason to believe that optimism – big, little, and in between – is useful to a person because positive expectations can be self-fulfilling.

Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :CHRISTOPHER PETERSON, American Psychologist, Jan. 2000

The predominant quality of successful people is optimism.... Your level of optimism is the very best predictor of how happy, healthy, wealthy, and long-lived you will be.

Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :BRIAN TRACY, Focal Point

Faith and optimism are contagious.

Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :THOM S. RAINER, Surprising Insights from the Unchurched
"People who have drawn wealth into their lives used The Secret, whether consciously or unconsciously. They think thoughts of abundance and wealth, and they do allow any contradictory thoughts to take root in their minds."
Rhonda Byrne
"I always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter."
Walt Disney
"When you are asked if you can do a job, tell 'em, 'Certainly I can!' Then get busy and find out how to do it."
Theodore Roosevelt
"A healthy attitude is contagious but don’t wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier."
Author Unknown

One of our favourite optimistic quotes is by Walter Winchell, "Optimist: A man who is chased up a tree by a lion but enjoys the scenery anyway." The quote drives home the point is it how you look at your situation and what benefit you see. Certainly a positive attitude tip is to have an optimist outlook on life.

"When you live your life with an appreciation of coincidences and their meanings, you connect with the underlying field of infinite possibilities."
Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :Deepak Chopra

"You must not under any pretense allow your mind to dwell on any thought that is not positive, constructive, optimistic, kind."
Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :Emmet Fox

"Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has many, not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some."
Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :Charles Dickens

"You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns have roses."
Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :Ziggy

"Whatever qualities the rich may have, they can be acquired by anyone with the tenacity to become rich. The key, I think, is confidence. Confidence and an unshakable belief it can be done and that you are the one to do it."
Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :Felix Dennis

"As I look forward, I'm very optimistic about the things I see ahead."
Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :Bill Gates

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined."
Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :Ralph Waldo Emerson

"A man may be a pessimistic determinist before lunch and an optimistic believer in the will's freedom after it."
Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :Aldous Huxley

"The essence of optimism is that it takes no account of the present, but it is a source of inspiration, of vitality and hope where others have resigned; it enables a man to hold his head high, to claim the future for himself and not to abandon it to his enemy."
Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :Dietrich Bonhoeffer

"It isn't the mountains ahead that wear you out, it's the grain of sand in your shoe."
Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :Author Unknown

"Explain to people that everything they say is an affirmation. Everything they think is an affirmation. Everything! What you want to do is to get control of what you are saying and thinking, so these things bring you good experiences in life rather than rotten experiences."
Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :Louise Hay

Every problem has a gift for you in its hands."
Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :Richard Bach

"When you have vision it affects your attitude. Your attitude is optimistic rather than pessimistic."
Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :Charles R. Swindoll

"All who have accomplished great things have had a great aim, have fixed their gaze on a goal which was high, one which sometimes seemed impossible."
Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :Orison Swett Marden

An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity; a pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity."
Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :Sir Winston Churchill

"A gentle word, a kind look, a good-natured smile can work wonders and accomplish miracles."
Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :William Hazlitt

"I'm an optimist. I've always believed the future is going to be better than the past. And I also believe I have a role in that. The great thing about human beings, myself in particular, is that I can change. I can do better. If you can get up every day, stay optimistic, and believe the future is better than the past, those few things get you through a lot of tough times."
Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :Jeffrey Immelt

Optimism, no matter how false it may seem, is necessary for species survival at a time when the ozone layer is disintigrating, mass extinctions are rampant, wars are as plentiful as ever, toxins pervade every meal and every breath, and nuclear power plants function near populated areas with human error as likely there as anywhere else.

Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :GLORIA GARFUNKEL, "Lifeline," A Perilous Calling

For myself I am an optimist -- it does not seem to be much use being anything else.

Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :WINSTON CHURCHILL, speech, Nov. 9, 1954

Unsatisfied desire is the characteristic feature of human life. That is the common fact out of which both pessimism and optimism are constructed. Dwell on the impossibility of ever getting a state of complete and permanent satisfaction with what you have, and you become a pessimist. Dwell on the opportunity for endless growth and conquest which this same fact makes possible, and you become an optimist.

Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :WILLIAM DEWITT HYDE, The Art of Optimism

The essence of optimism is that it takes no account of the present, but it is a source of inspiration, of vitality and hope where others have resigned; it enables a man to hold his head high, to claim the future for himself and not to abandon it to his enemy.

Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :DIETRICH BONHOEFFER, Letters and Papers from Prison

Optimism inspires, energizes, and brings out our best. It points the mind toward possibilities and helps us think creatively past problems.

Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :PRICE PRITCHETT, Hard Optimism

Success requires enough optimism to provide hope and enough pessimism to prevent complacency.

Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :DAVID G. MYERS, Exploring Psychology

Optimism, then, is a fact within my own heart. But as I look out upon life, my heart meets no contradiction. The outward world justifies my inward universe of good.

Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :HELEN KELLER, Optimism: An Essay

In Europe, what Americans see as optimism can simply seem like arrogance.

Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :MARY FONTAINE, quoted in Working With Emotional Intelligence

Keep your thoughts positive, because your thoughts become your words.
Keep your words positive, because your words become your behavior.
Keep your behavior positive, because your behavior become your habits.
Keep your habits positive, because your habits become your values.
Keep your values positive, because your values become your destiny.
Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :MAHATMA GANDHI, Open Your Mind, Open Your Life: A Book of Eastern Wisdom

If an optimist had his left arm chewed off by an alligator, he might say in a pleasant and hopeful voice, "Well this isn't to bad, I don't have a left arm anymore but at least nobody will ever ask me if I'm left-handed or right-handed" but most of us would say something more along the lines of "Aaaaaa! My arm! My arm!"

Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :DANIEL HANDLER (as Lemony Snicket), Horseradish: Bitter Truths You Can't Avoid

The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.

Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :WILLIAM ARTHUR WARD

Thus will we deal with life, my little help-meet. Will we not, eh? What though it blink at us like an owl that is blinded by the sun, we will yet force it to smile.

Best Optimism Optimistic Quotes By :LEONID ANDREYEV, The Life of Man
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