Thursday, August 27, 2020

Class 9 English Beehive Book Chapter 6 - My Childhood MCQ APJ Abdul Kalam

Students of Class 9 can practice free MCQs which have been added by the CBSE in the new exam pattern. Here you will find the MCQs followed by the correct answer of Class 9 English Beehive book. Chapter 6 from the book is titled -  My Childhood. We have covered important MCQs from this chapter.

Correct answer is marked Green 

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Question 1
When did Kalam become India's 11th President?
answer choices
Question 2
Where did Kalam talk about his childhood?
answer choices
in his autobiography, Wings of Fire
In his first speech
In his research papers
in his office
Question 3
Where was Kalam born?
answer choices
at island town of Rameswaram in Madras State.
in Tamilnadu
in Karnatka
in Chennai
Question 4
From where has this chapter ‘My Childhood’ been taken?
answer choices
from childhood memories
from Prof A.P.J Kalam's book 'Wings on Fire'
from famous writer Khushwant Singh's Book
Question 5
What does Prof. Kalam talk about in his book Wings of Fire?
answer choices
his childhood experiences
his parents
his friends
Question 6
Who influenced Prof. Kalam?
answer choices
his society people
his friends
his father
Question 7
What did Kalam's father teach him?
answer choices
honesty and self discipline
to fight
to be arrogant
Question 8
What did Kalam gain from Wings of Fire?
answer choices
the great values he imbibed from his parents,teachers and society
his books
his study
Question 9
What is the theme of the story My childhood?
answer choices
children are precious
childhood is a treasure
society must be in harmony
society, environment and chidhood experiences shape one's life.
Question 10
What is the message of this lesson?
answer choices
mutual trust,peace and harmony are must for a society to be happy and grow dynamically
live happily
fight for your rights
have fire on your wings
Question 11
What is essential for all round growth according to the lesson?
answer choices
Question 12
What can resolve the hindrances in the way of growth?
answer choices
mutual trust, and ease of communication
Wings of Fire
Question 13
In what sense was Kalam's childhood secure?
answer choices
he was getting all the necessities of life like food, clothes,study
parents' love and support
good society
Question 14
What does material security mean in the lesson?
answer choices
all the basic necessities of life
materialistic possessions
Question 15
What does emotional security mean?
answer choices
balance in life
balance of emotions
control over emotions
love and care to lead a stress free life
Question 16
Who gave emotional and material security to Kalam ?
answer choices
His society people
His friends
His teachers
his parents
Question 17
Which seeds did Kalam collect during the second world war?
answer choices
guava seeds
tamarind seeds
flax seeds
mango seeds
Question 18
Why did Kalam collect tamarind seeds?
answer choices
to grow plants
to eat them
to earn good money
Question 19
Where did Kalam sell seeds?
answer choices
in a market
to other children
people of his society
to provide them to a provision store on a mosque street
Question 20
How much money did Kalam earn after selling seeds?
answer choices
2 anna
3 anna
1 anna
4 anna
Question 21
What kind of a person was Kalam as a child?
answer choices
enterprising and hardworking
Question 22
Who was Samsuddin?
answer choices
Kalam's brother
Kalam's friend
Kalam's neighbourer
Kalam's cousin
Question 23
What did Samsuddin do?
answer choices
distributed newspapers in Rameswaram
helped collecting seeds
helped getting money
helped in selling seeds
Question 24
Who helped Kalam in getting his first wages?
answer choices
his neighbourer
his parents
his cousin Samsuddin
Question 25
Why did Kalam feel sad when he was in 5th standard in an elemantary school?
answer choices
he didn't do his homework
teacher scolded him
his teacher didn't let him sit with his Hindu friend in the first row because he was a muslim
Question 26
Who was Kalam's close friend?
answer choices
Ramanadha Sastri
his father
Question 27
Why did the teacher separate Kalam from his friend?
answer choices
they were talking in the class
they were not doing their work
they were disturbing the class
because of his own notion of social ranking, religious discrimination
Question 28
What kind of person was Sivasubramania?
answer choices
orthodox brahmin
calm and generous
believed in equality and wanted to bring reforms in the society
Question 29
Why did Sivasubramania serve Kalam himself and sat with him to eat?
answer choices
to avoid any disturbance because of biased behavior of his conservative wife and to show equal respect for everybody
because he wanted to prove himself great
to demoralize his wife
Question 30
What kind of a person was Kalam's father ?
answer choices
generous and dynamic
Question 31
Who spoke Khali Gibran's words:Your children are not...."?
answer choices
Kalam's father
Question 32
What did Kalam think and say about his parents?
answer choices
they were tall
Question 33
Why did Kalam's father say Khali Gibran's words: Your children are not...?
answer choices
to boast
to ask his wife not to stop their young son from going out
to be generous
Question 34
Whom did Kalam's father say these wordsKhali Gibran's words:Your children are not...?
answer choices
to Kalam
to Samsuddin
to his wife
to Mr. Iyer
Question 35
Where was Kalam's house?
answer choices
near a cinema hall
near a park
on a mosque street
Question 36
How did Mr. Iyer change his wife's notion?
answer choices
by force
by showing her eyes
by lecturing her
by his own example and behavior
Question 37
Which word in the lesson means unnecessary?
answer choices
Question 38
When was Kalam's ancestral house built?
answer choices
in 18th century
in 19th century
in the middle of 19th century
Question 39
What was Kalam's age during the second world war?
answer choices
9 years
10 years
11 years
8 years
Question 40
Name three friends of Kalam.
answer choices
Ramanadha Sastry

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