Leo man - July 24 - August 23
He would roar like a lion…interpret that as a signal to attract attention. He would purr in contention…that’s his way of saying he is satisfied. He would growl with impatience… especially when his ego is hurt. That’s the Leo man for you. He is the most assertive of all zodiac signs and loves to be the centre of attention.
Every time he enters a party scene, it is with much fanfare. He wants people to sit up and take notice, be courteous towards him and generally consider his presence a ‘huge favour’. Two minutes into a conversation with him and you would know how full of ‘ Me myself and I’ this is your conventional Leo male! The passive kind is more easy-going, warm and friendly.
He also has an irresistible charm about him, all thanks to his extreme passion. He is romantic in every sense of the term. He won’t shy off from stopping at the traffic signal to buy flowers for his girlfriend or leave work early to catch up with her for a cup of coffee. All these romantic interludes however come at a price. Once you know how to deal with his impatience, you will have a rather mellow Leo at your side. With good amount of love and trust, you can have the lion eating out of your hand!
How to identify a Leo man in a crowd?
Here I am in a fix… identifying a Leo man in a crowd is pretty easy, but explaining how that is done is kind of difficult. I will tell you why. Based on my observations I have inferred that amongst Leo men 60% are the aggressive type and 40% are passive. However it is not as simple as that. The passive kind of Leo men also possesses a belligerent streak, which is very well in control. So, in appearance and behaviour the passive Leo male will appear as composed and behaviour as they come.
The aggressive Leo will also appear outwardly calm and composed and it is only after you interact with him that his ego centric nature and assertive manners come to fore. This is the chief difference between these two kinds of Leo men.
What are the finer characteristics of a Leo man?
True to the majestic animal in its symbol, men of this Zodiac sign like luxury and grandeur. More often than not, Leo men are not able to differentiate between wishful thinking and dreaming big. This stems from lack of pragmatism in their thinking. They want everything to be larger than life… whether it suits them or no.
Another interesting quality I have noticed in Leo men is that they are like children through most of their lives. I say this because they want to have everything they see. No matter what age, experience or maturity he has, a Leo male will keep yearning for material things… just like a 5 year old yearning for his first bike. His list of desires just keeps growing with age.
Even within the 40% passive Leo men, 15% possess this characteristic. Anything with a luxury tag or any brand spelling grandeur usually catches his eye. I have known some Leo men who are determined to achieve success only in order to fulfill their desire list.
Another peculiar trait and one that often works to his disadvantage is a Leo man’s love for flattery. I have observed that the right amount of flattery is the easiest way to a Leo man’s heart. It is usually nothing but an ego boost to him but as soon as he hears a compliment or sweet talk about himself his brain sends a message saying this person is likeable. It is also very easy to stir up a Leo male emotionally. He can get easily influenced by genuine and not so genuine stories and is capable of acting upon them without any verification.
Diplomacy is a skill most passive Leo men and very few aggressive ones possess. While they are known to be blunt, curt and straight forward in their speech, some of them can be quite hypocritical. Although they don’t believe in mincing words, they can play it up to anyone to get their work done. Compromising on values to suit their needs is not an unknown tact for Leo men.
In spite of these limitations, a Leo man is a man of honor. When he makes a promise he abides by his word as he believes it’s a matter of prestige to do so. Very rarely will a Leo male not keep his word, especially if it is a promise made to his loved ones. However, he has not such compunctions in business deals. While is not exactly a shady character, it is better to double check on his assurances before you sign the dotted line.
What exceptional qualities does a Leo man possess?
I have found that there is something of an actor in a Leo male. Whether he is in his boyhood or beyond sixty, the child in him forever makes him take up play acting. On the surface, he can play the mimic to a hilt. And deeper still he can don masks to get things done his way. Like I had mentioned before, he takes up the role of a gallant to prove his chivalry, which may be just a façade to mislead people around him. I am not implying he is not genuine, but he also has the capacity to ‘act’ in order to fulfill his hidden agenda.
Here is a man who understands the meaning of power like no other. Power means everything to him. He is very conscious of the importance of power play in his life… be it in terms of monetary, physical, psychological, social or political. Akin to his Aries counterpart, a Leo man has a strong dictatorship quality. While this makes him an excellent leader, it also makes him stress on power more than ever.
Is there more to his persona?
I have found that there is something of an actor in a Leo male. Whether he is in his boyhood or beyond sixty, the child in him forever makes him take up play acting. On the surface, he can play the mimic to a hilt.And deeper still he can don masks to get things done his way. Like I had mentioned before, he takes up the role of a gallant to prove his chivalry,which may be just a facade to mislead people around him. I am not implying he is not genuine all the time, but he also has the capacity to ‘act’ in order to fulfill his hidden agenda.
Here is a man who understands the meaning of power like no other. Power means everything to him. He is very conscious of the importance of power play in his life…be it in terms of monetary, physical, psychological,social or political. Akin to his Aries counterpart, a Leo man has a strong dictatorship quality. While this makes him an excellent leader, it also makes him stress on power more than ever.
How should one deal effectively with a Leo man?
My answer to this question would be—with caution. Never let a Leo male take you for granted. Because once you do that he will walk all over you…with his patent leather shoes with thick soles. The crux of this whole dealing business is…no matter how much you do for a Leo man, he will remain unappreciative of your contributions and will keep expecting more from you. It is therefore important that you define your role and draw a line in the early stages of interaction with a Leo male.
What is his approach to life?
A Leo male is a far cry from being realistic and practical. He is largely governed by his emotions and sentiments. Moreover, he is hyper sensitive. The slightest of emotional drama can send him in the throes of agony. To add to this, he is also idealistic and a dreamer.
Most Leo men would prefer to lead, as they possess natural leadership qualities. But if provided with the right kind of inspiration and motivation, they will not hesitate in following people they idealize.
How is a Leo man in love?
Very very romantic and very very passionate! A Leo man loves the very concept of love. Also he enjoys the attention and pampering that is associated with being in love.
With the kind of romance that he believes in, it is easy to get a Leo man fall in love. Moonlight walks, candle lit dinners, romantic movies and sweet nothings over long telephonic conversations can do the trick. When in love, he needs constant assurances from his lady love… and will not hesitate to give the same in return.
Compatibility quotient:
He roars when he is angry and purrs when content… he is the Leo man. And do you need to be the lioness to get along with him? Not necessarily, but there are certain ‘must haves’ that a woman requires to be able to etch out a long term relationship with him. Let’s find out what these prerequisites are and who amongst the zodiac is better able to fulfill them.
Leo man and…
Aries woman: 8/10. Very near being the perfect match, the Arian woman can get along very well with the Leo man. His romantic nature and charismatic personality will floor the Arian, while the Leo guy will find her liveliness and independent streak quite appealing.
Taurus woman: 7/10. Both will have to put in efforts to make this work. The Leo guy will have to be considerate towards the Taurean’s simple love, while she will have to handle his ego with diplomacy.
Gemini woman: 8/10. This relationship can be quite a sizzling affair. Both are equally romantic and sensual to make their relation full of passion. And then there are traits like generosity, good humour and adventurous spirit that would add further zing to this combination.
Cancer woman: 9/10. The Cancer woman is capable of giving the Leo man what he needs the most – attention. Her undivided attention and motherly affection would do a world of good to the Leo’s sensibility. In return he would provide her with security and loyalty.
Leo woman: 6/10. This relationship can swing either ways. Either they would end up loving each other fiercely or hating each other ferociously. If this combination has to work in the long term, one of them will have to learn to take a back seat. Both of them are incapable of sharing a spotlight and their attention-seeking nature might be too much of a hindrance for this relationship to work.
Virgo woman: 6/10. Lots of compromises go in to make this combination work. The Virgo woman is a homely person who keeps everything neat and tidy. But the Leo man is slow in giving appreciation. She is also overly criticizing, which is not a good sign for the compliment-craving Lion.
Libra woman: 9/10. A perfect match! The typical Libran indecisiveness will go down well with the assertive Leo. Moreover, both have similar tastes as both love to socialize, are adventurous, romantic and passionate.
Scorpio woman: 5/10. Not a very good match! Since both are assertive, there would be too much of assertion in this relationship. While he is more inclined towards sensuality in a relationship, she needs intensity. Moreover, she would hate his constant need to be in the limelight and disregard all his public display of affection as fake.
Sagittarius woman: 7/10: This relationship can work wonderfully after a few adjustments. Both like adventure and are outgoing by nature. But they will have to mutually decide on sharing attention, as well as giving each other enough attention, for their relationship to work in the long run.
Capricorn woman: 6/10: If both are able to understand each other perfectly, this combination will succeed. He will have to be more understanding of her lack of expression while she will have to be more accommodating of his attention-seeking nature.
Aquarius woman: 5/10: Too much of hard work will be required to make this one work. The Aquarian woman will have to concentrate her energies more on the Leo guy rather than the outside world. And the Leo will have to learn to think more about his Aquarian partner than himself.
Pisces woman: 8/10: The Piscean woman can be the feminine alter ego of the Leo man. She can give him stability and emotional understanding as well as offer him the leadership role on a platter. However, he would have to keep his bluntness under control to get along with the sensitive Piscean.
Leo men celebrities/personalities:
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Antonio Banderas
Bill Clinton
Rajiv Gandhi
Sanjay Dutt

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