Wednesday, December 22, 2010

New Year Resolutions.....

Choose your New Year Resolution From These Positive and Amazing Resolutions

  • Be Honest And Respectful
    Have a New Year Resolution to be honest , fair and Just , because being Unfair is always Bad and gives Negative emotions and Energy to You – but by being Honest , fair and Just in any way you attract goodness , Love and Positive Energies.

    Avoid personal harm by words or actions try to Speak well of others always, and also see yourself as a good being too.

    Respect each and every individual you come across irrespective of his/her status , color, or any other reason , if someone is not respectful do not be irrespectful to that person too as by showing respect you will ultimately make that person realise his mistakes, but by being irrespectful you will only make him more busy in the same feeling andstate of mind which he is stuck into.

    Take your comments on work as a guiding light to make your work better and eror free instead as criticism.

    Being positive doesn’t mean you are a weak and do not have capability to fight back or get angry it only means that you are a strong person who can handle the situations how bad it is in a very positive

  • Make Yourself as a Hero or Idol
    Have a Resolution of putting and presenting yourself to ohers as a role model who people look upto and learn good and lovely things from, be the person who always looks for the goodness in others, highlights their good work and appreciate every body's contributions.

    Communicate with every one as you would like to get communicated to yourself greet others as you would expect yourself to be greeted too, its like if everybodys says red color is blue a time will come when red color will be referred to as blue only.

  • Forget and Be Forgiving

    We all make mistakes of which some are so hurting and harmful to others that they are not worth forgiving at all , but we anyways get forgiven by some way or the other making mistakes is a process to learn to live better It’s the way we learn.
    Forgive and Forget mistakes - including your own. Make sure you and everyone involved understands why mistakes happened and you had not no control on them as mistakes are only mistakes and not done knowingly.

  • Be surrounded with Positivity
    Keep yoursel surrounded by Positive People , positive Energy nad warm emotions.
    Religious and holy places are always ful of Positive Energies when you visit by desire and not obligation. Positive situations and positive people, make your vibrations go higher. Even if you have had a bad day, a few minutes surrounded by this kind of positivity can uplift you to no measure. Add one positive act, event or person to your day, everyday.

    This year, resolve to banish negativity and help yourself to a truly Happy New year and New Life.

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

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